miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

The Secret American Strategy in Iraq - Society - Politics

Do you feel confused, lied to buy your Government leaders? Certainly the results of the recent American election were not exactly a ringing endorsement for President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall in the Oval Office when President Bush and Vice President Cheney are having a few beers and their inhibitions are down from the alcohol like Mel Gibson a few months ago ranting about the Jews and Michael Richards recently ranting about the black people? If President Bush publicly called for a Crusade and referred to the Muslims as Islamofascists imagine what he is saying and doing about them in private. He probably despises them more than Hitler hated the Jews and he seems to be acting out an even more sinister plot against them.

People are strange. Michael Richards has catapulted into Hitleresque infamy and the number one search on the internet for using the N word, the same word uttered by Detective Mark Fuhrman which led the mostly black jury to believe that Detective Fuhrman had planted the evidence which led to the acquittal of O.J. Simpson. People are in awe of and idolize celebrities. Musicians and comedians who used to be court jesters are now obsessed over. 500 mainstream newspapers reported today that Elton John had to take a 5 minute vomit break at his concert in Brisbane last night. Imagine if he had to take a crap? CNN would have broken in live with breaking news from the bathroom.

Pop Icon Kanye West recently sold 3 million copies of his hit song "Gold Digger" on iTunes. Here is the introduction to the song by Jamie Foxx and the chorus by Kanye West: [Jamie Foxx]She take my money, well I'm in needYeah she's a triflin friend indeedOh she's a gold digger way over time That digs on me

[Chorus:](she steal me money)Now I aint sayin she a gold digger (When I'm in Need)But she aint messin wit no broke niggas (she steal me money)Now I aint sayin she a gold digger (When I'm in Need)but she aint messin wit no broke niggas(I gotta leave)get down girl go head get down (I gotta leave)get down girl go head get down (I gotta leave)get down girl go head get down (I gotta leave)get down girl go head So the obvious question is why is it perfectly O.K. for black people to utter the N word endlessly but if a white person uses the very same word then they become outcasts and have to grovel at the feet of Jesse Jackson singing "Mea Culpa"? The less obvious question is why are all human beings by nature racist, with an "Us" and "Them" attitude? The answer is that we are savages with the same DNA as King Attila the Hun pretending to be oh so sophisticated with our Prada purses and Marc Jacobs shoes. How long do you think that it would have taken President Bush to rescue Jen na Bush from the bathroom called the New Orleans Superdome had she been trapped there? How far is New Orleans from Crawford? 15 minutes tops?

Gold Digger should be the new Iraqi national anthem. The American people are the "black gold" (oil) diggers. Michael Moore wrote an excellent article today on the anniversary of the first Crusade pointing out that America has now been in Iraq longer than the United States was involved in World War 2, and that America was led into Iraq with a series of endless lies. The more interesting question is why did the United States go there in the first place? Didn't America know that it would be a tough fight after watching Russia in Afghanistan? What's really going on?

I have absolutely no idea. You opened up this article for nothing.

For those of you still here here is the answer? It's a little complicated and numerous books will be written about it but I'll try and make this as short and painless as possible. Muslims are actually niggas.

Human beings are like wolves. If you ask a group of deer being eaten alive and torn to shreds by a pack of wolves what they think of the wolves it wouldn't be very flattering. However if you ask the baby wolves being fed deer what they think of their loving, nurturing fathers and mothers the answer would be quite different. We go insane worrying over "Ours" like Jon Benet Ramsey but feel absolutely nothing for "Theirs" when thousands of Darfurian Jon Benet Ramseys have their villages burned to the ground, see their fathers beheaded and are gang raped and killed mercilessly every day. This is human nature encoded in the Bibles of all 3 religions with the God of the Bible writers endlessly commanding God's people to pillage and plunder and burn to the ground the villages of the people outside of their group. As reward the children are taught that the Messiah Jesus Christ will come and smash their enemies like a potter's vessel into billions of pieces and command all of the g roup's angels to throw all of the non group members into the fire, as he raptures them all into eternal paradise prior to nuclear world war 3, which he will win as he descends on his flying horse from heaven to Jerusalem to meet President Bush and award him the possessions of the earth. Bloggers who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Did you watch the recent Israel Lebanon war on Fox News? The Israeli puppets of President Bush annihilated a country because two of their soldiers were captured. Israel bombed 1 mile from Syria. The trick was to draw Syria, which has and will use chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction into the conflict, so that the Americans could finally take the gloves off and use their permanent Iraqi military bases and nuclear, chemical and biological weapons to capture the entire Middle East forever. However Syria and Iran did not take the bait. It costs $1 per barrel to take the oil out of the desert in Iraq which literally is a lake of black gold. America will never allow Iran to take Iraq because the Iranians would slaughter every Sunni, impose Sharia law, and become so wealthy that they would purchase thousands of nuclear weapons from Russia, China and North Korea in one year and then literally take over the world for Allah, or die trying.

Russia is building a nuclear reactor right now in Bushehr Iran and today delivered a billion dollars of surface to air missiles to Iran to protect the Muslim nuclear reactor in Bushehr. The lesson of 9/11 and the lesson of Pulp Fiction was not lost on President Bush, or Hilary Clinton, or Joe Lieberman or Senator McCain. The hijackers were Muslim. The Iraqis are Muslim. When the Muslims have declared their intention for world domination and "Death To America" and oil equals money equals nuclear weapons you must use pre-emptive action so that Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, BP, Royal Dutch Shell and Halliburton the puppet masters running the White House can live happily ever after. Israel was criticized years ago when Benjamin Netanyahu's brother wiped out the Iraqi nuclear reactor. President Bush owned a ball club and all he cares about is winning, his legacy, the legacy of his father, protecting the American people, and ensuring that the first twins wear Prada not Burka. Soon he w ill take the Middle East and split it like Berlin with President Putin.

The Americans have an exit strategy for Iraq. They are never leaving. President Bush has said repeatedly, "Either we fight them there or we feel their punch here." Joseph Lieberman is the 50th Republican sleeper Senator on the Iraq purse strings, and Halliburton will break the tie. How do you spell draft beer? We're Sargent Peppers lonely hearts club band, we hope you will enjoy the show. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Let's get ready to ruuuumble!" This war for control of the world will be fought the old fashioned way without gloves. It could be a first round knockout. As President Bush said, "Bring 'em on." His corner man is Jesus Christ. He thinks. Therefore he is. The Christians and the Muslims have to trigger the Apocalypse to get the Messiah here to bring world peace and Jesus Christ is also the awaited Muslim Messiah, along with the Mahdi. If Jesus Christ can figure this out then he truly will be the Messiah.


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