The concept of healing is the process of establishing or restoring the physical and moral integrity of a disease or illness , or overcoming an injury or maimed by recovery . During the healing ungsbegriff etymologically rather by a whole are determined (see " salvation "), referred to heal (from grch. : neomai ) Davongekommensein originally from danger.
Classical concepts of healing as ancient Greek ?e?ape?a "service recovery", lat : curatio ; sanatio , salvatio , restitution ad integrum , or English. healing (eg by first intention ; second intention ) vibrate at a definition always present.
The healing in the modern sense includes physical, psychological and social aspects ( biopsychosocial model ) in humans.
Healing in Medicine
In medicine, healing is a restoration of health by reaching the initial state ( restitution ad integrum defined). If an organic or functional residual damage exist, one speaks of defect healing
Healing in Psychotherapy
In psychotherapy, the healing concept is equated with a restoration of mental health. Its definition varies individually by therapeutic direction as everyday functionality, problem solving, strength of the positive inner experience, etc. The psychopathology also its limitations names of some disease pictures such as psychosis , where residuals as a "leftover residual restrictions" of mental health are defined.
In addition to psychotherapy, the concept of healing is closely related to the level of the psyche, woven (personality structure and behavior), whereas spiritual traditions (see also healing work ) your focus on the concept of soul contact.
Biblical understanding
In the Old Testament proclaimed the prophet Isaiah , the Messiah take the sin, sickness and pain to others will be, by his wounds given them peace and healing.
The New Testament sees this fulfilled through crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ himself has many miraculous cures effected. The order for healing (on behalf of Jesus in Matthew 10:8; 9.1 Lk +2) and the anointing of the sick (James, after James from 5.13 to 18) is next to the Catholic, Old Catholic and Orthodox churches, including the Pentecostal practice. Healing in the New Testament is closely connected with the belief, as expressed in the phrase " your faith has helped you.
Denominational understandings
Of visiting the sick , besides the feeding of the hungry and the naked of clothing to the seven works of mercy and counted according to Catholic canon law, it is necessary for canonization, that miraculous cures were performed by this man.
The concept of healing is the process of establishing or restoring the physical and moral integrity of a disease or illness , or overcoming an injury or maimed by recovery . During the healing ungsbegriff etymologically rather by a whole are determined (see " salvation "), referred to heal (from grch. : neomai ) Davongekommensein originally from danger.
Classical concepts of healing as ancient Greek ?e?ape?a "service recovery", lat : curatio ; sanatio , salvatio , restitution ad integrum , or English. healing (eg by first intention ; second intention ) vibrate at a definition always present.
The healing in the modern sense includes physical, psychological and social aspects ( biopsychosocial model ) in humans.
Healing in Medicine
In medicine, healing is a restoration of health by reaching the initial state ( restitution ad integrum defined). If an organic or functional residual damage exist, one speaks of defect healing
Healing in Psychotherapy
In psychotherapy, the healing concept is equated with a restoration of mental health. Its definition varies individually by therapeutic direction as everyday functionality, problem solving, strength of the positive inner experience, etc. The psychopathology also its limitations names of some disease pictures such as psychosis , where residuals as a "leftover residual restrictions" of mental health are defined.
In addition to psychotherapy, the concept of healing is closely related to the level of the psyche, woven (personality structure and behavior), whereas spiritual traditions (see also healing work ) your focus on the concept of soul contact.
Biblical understanding
In the Old Testament proclaimed the prophet Isaiah , the Messiah take the sin, sickness and pain to others will be, by his wounds given them peace and healing.
The New Testament sees this fulfilled through crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ himself has many miraculous cures effected. The order for healing (on behalf of Jesus in Matthew 10:8; 9.1 Lk +2) and the anointing of the sick (James, after James from 5.13 to 18) is next to the Catholic, Old Catholic and Orthodox churches, including the Pentecostal practice. Healing in the New Testament is closely connected with the belief, as expressed in the phrase " your faith has helped you.
Denominational understandings
Of visiting the sick , besides the feeding of the hungry and the naked of clothing to the seven works of mercy and counted according to Catholic canon law, it is necessary for canonization, that miraculous cures were performed by this man.
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